Support Center - Website Domain
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Website Domain

At this location, website owners can link a domain to their site, add new domains and forward and edit domain records. It is recommended to purchase a domain from this location, since domains purchased here will be automatically linked to the website without requiring any definition settings.
This window lists the existing domains and their forwarding information (URL or code); displays the domain's certificate and offers the option of renewing a domain; provides a shortcut to a specific domain's mailbox; supports editing domain's DNS records, adding a sub-domain, editing forwarding definitions for existing domains and deleting a domain.

Buying a new domain

Click on "Buy New Domain" to directly access the domain purchase system. The window that appears gives the user the option of selecting the domain and relevant extension. When the user clicks on "Search Now" button the system checks if the domain is available. If so, it can be ordered.

If the requested domain is available, the system automatically displays a window in which the user enters relevant information. The information must be entered completely and accurately or the request will be rejected and the domain will not be ordered. Information must be entered in English only!

To continue, click on "Order Now". A shopping cart page opens, listing the ordered items. Once the user selects the preferred payment method from this window and accepts the terms of use, the purchase order is made.

Adding a Domain to the Website

Add an existing domain to the site by clicking on "Add Domain". Enter the domain name in the window that appears and select its extension from a list. Next, select the site code from a list (if the domain is directly linked to a site code), or fill the "Forwarding Address" field if the domain performs 301 redirection to a different URL. Accept by clicking "Apply".

Managing DNS Records

Click the "DNS" button to access the domain's DNS record manager. DNS records are very sensitive. A single, incorrect record will suspend a domain until the support team intervenes and fixes the problem.
Updating modified domain data can take up to 72 hours, therefore it is recommended to make these changes with the help of a professional.
Please note that records are managed on the server to which the NS records are forwarded. If a domain on the site does not forward to our name servers, editing the records will have no effect on domain activity.
Similarly, if we are instructed to forward domain's DNS to a different location, we are no longer responsible for domain record management, other than changes to name servers.
Forwarding certain domain features to a different location transfers responsibility for its management to that party.
For example, if MX records are forwarded to a different server, the receiving company takes responsibility for mail services.
On the other hand, existing domains can use our mail services by forwarding only MX records to our servers.

Important! All modifications to domain records (A RECORD, DNS, etc.) are updated within  72 hours after the change is made.

Add a Sub Domain

A sub-domain is an address derived from the domain name in the following format: A sub-domain can be linked to a site located in the same account or to another address.
To create a sub-domain, click on "Add Sub-Domain". Enter the sub-domain in the window that appears; or select the site from a list or insert an address to which users will be forwarded, if the sub-domain is not linked to any site in the system.

To forward the sub-domain to a site external to the server, fill the forwarding address field instead of selecting a site code.

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