The System's Most Recent Innovations - Central Pages and Article Pages - Website Builder - livecity

The System's Most Recent Innovations - Central Pages and Article Pages

During the course of the last few days, the developers have been working hard to add new tools and features to our system, in compliance with customers' demands. The updates are:
- A brand new way to display the homepage
A new button has been added to the "Tools" menu, called "Homepage settings". This button allows the website owner to repurpose the homepage with a single click: a regular content page, a homepage for a blog website that includes the latest posts, and a virtual store homepage that displays the products chosen to appear on the homepage. All you have to do is click the "Select" button near the required type, and the system will do the rest of the job - instantly and easily! 
- Central pages have been added to the system
Central pages are pages that gather selected data from various locations. At this stage, there are two kinds of central pages: for blogs and products. You can add a central page to your menu by clicking "Add new" >> "Central pages" and clicking the required page. A central page for blogs will display the latest blog posts in one central page, and a products central page will perform the same action for products. This enables the website owner to display a page that is not neccesarily a category that contains these items, while improving the ease of use and the overall visitor experience.
- It is now possible to create article pages
A new page type has been added to the system - the article pages. The benefit of creating article pages and placing written content within them is  that such pages were specifically constructed to display articles - for quicker and more targeted scan. In order to create such pages, click  "Add new" and point on "Articles". The dropdown menu will allow you to create article categories and single articles.
Additionally, the "Global settings" tool has been updated to control and define global settings for article pages and categories as well.
We are constantly developing and improving the system in accordance with requests and feedbacks we receive. We take this opportunity to thank our customers that had asked for these and other features. You empower us to continue creating and updating.

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