New updates to the content management system - Website Builder - livecity

New updates to the content management system

The Development Team are constantly upgrading and updating the system, please find below the list of most recent updates:

- The new, more organized way of managing content:
Following the previous report, another new tool has been introduced to the system - “Manage Pages”. This tool allows you to manage pages in a more organized, comfortable and effective manner. The tool displays the complete list of existing site pages, while each page's settings may be set separately, with regard to the page type (blog, product, content page, etc.).
Please notice that all the options you are already familiar with from the old page management tool were preserved intact in the new one. Moreover, you can access the content editor from the new tool directly. The only option that has not yet been added to the new page management tool is transition of pages between the site's menus – this feature is planned to be activated in the nearest future and aimed at optimizing the work of a webmaster.

- Importing Tool:
You must already be familiar with the recently introduced Central Pages tool, and if you are not, it's high time you made acquaintance with it.
The tool is largely divided into two parts:
Homepage Tool: “Tools” >> “Homepage Settings” – Here you can select the preferred homepage type with regard to your website's concept.
Central Pages: “Manage Pages” >> “Add New” >> “Central Pages” >> Select desired page type.
The tool has been added in order to concentrate and focalize your content by type in specially designated locations. For example, if you are managing a virtual store and would like to display your products on the homepage in a more convenient manner, you can achieve that by selecting the relevant homepage type. At the same time, if you are not interested in changing your current homepage, but still want to display a certain type of products on a separate page, you can add a central page and forward the products to it.
Besides, this week we have finished developing two additional types of central pages / homepages designed for e-commerce purposes:
Recently added products – this type of page will display all of your site's products, while each sub-page will contain 12 products, with the most recently added ones heading the list.
Products on sale – the pages of this type will display, in a concentrated manner, all products that were defined as products on sale (in “Product Settings”).
To recapitulate, the following types of central pages/homepages have so far been added to your inventory: articles, blogs and 3 types of virtual store pages.

- Change of font size in the “Manage Pages” and “Tools” sections of the control panel:
As you might have noticed, the font in the “Manage Pages” and “Tools” sections has been enlarged. The text now looks much clearer and more legible.

- Dozens of new design templates have been added:
We have uploaded dozens of new design templates that are currently available to webmasters at the stage of starting a new website. To view the new templates, click the link to register a new website and push the “New Templates” button on the left menu.

We never cease to develop and create and we hope you benefit from the large array of new tools that are being added on a regular basis.

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